Friday, February 02, 2007

A telling silence

Até a pinky imprensa brasileira admite que Chávez esta matando a democracia na Venezuela. O tom desses artigos é um tanto "pacífico" but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

Agora, aonde está a revolta do povo? Procuro algum sinal de preocupação nos blogs daqueles com "consciência social" e não acho nada. Procuro uma manifestação de rua, de estudantes brazucas a bleeding heart democrats, e não vejo ninguém...

Now can you imagine what would be happening if we had a socialist democracy being turned into a capitalistic dictatorship? Can you imagine the editorials, the first page headlines, the UN outrage, and most of all, the huge rallies full of celebrities and politicians from many different countries?

Democracy is just a tool for socialists. It is easy to forget the many lessons taught by the great USSR experiment.

Honestly, I don’t understand how capitalism has survived this far.