Sunday, June 27, 2004

Domingo, 27 de Junho, 2004

  O inferno é aqui

Alguns fatos sobre esse inferno na terra chamado Sudão:

- 21 years of war and more than 2 million deaths
- Over the past 16 months, more than 10,000 people have been killed and thousands driven from their homes by the Arab militiamen. Human rights and aid groups accuse the government of carrying out an ethnic cleansing campaign, targeting three tribes: the Fur, Massaleit and Zaghawa.
-The people in the camps were driven from their villages and farms by pro-government Arab militiamen, a ragtag collection of traditional tribal fighters and criminals known in Arabic as Janjaweed, which means "men who ride horses and carry G3 guns." The Janjaweed fighters have terrorized and killed, witnesses say, and are also accused of rapes and beatings.
- U.N. World Food Program will be able to reach only 800,000 of the 1.2 million displaced people because of continuing violence
- A U.N. report issued in May on conditions in the village of Kailek in western Darfur accused local government officials of ordering "a policy of forced starvation" by insisting that the villagers faced no problems, even as militias prevented food deliveries. Nine children in the area reportedly died of malnutrition every day.
- Rapes and attacks continue around the edges of the camp every night, women there said, as they rocked sickly babies with hollow eyes. Each week in Mornay, at least five women and girls as young as 12 have been raped when they left the camp, according to a report by Doctors Without Borders. The real number is thought to be far higher because many women are reluctant to report attacks.
- The U.S. Agency for International Development estimated that at least 350,000 people will die of disease and malnutrition over the next nine months.

E ai? É esse então o preço dessa incrível "Soberania Nacional"???

Já imaginaram as manifestações caso os EUA resolvessem intervir?

Manchetes pelo mundo:
"Americanos ocupam país miseravel da África. Árabes se revoltam e dizem que motivação é o petróleo."
"Imperialismo americano chega no Sudão e cria crise humanitária."

E nos bares da USP:
"Esses americanos se metem em tudo, filhos da puta!"

Alguém ai se lembra de Mogadishu??? Anyone?

Ah, seria terrível! Afinal, quem esses americanos pensam que são para interferir na liberdade de ver seu filho morrendo de fome?

Just fucking great!

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