Saturday, April 21, 2007

What People Earn - 2006

After you filter out the BS, this article has some interesting information:


“By most economic measures, 2006 was a great year. Despite rising interest rates, high oil prices and the sharpest housing downturn in 15 years, inflation was low, productivity rose steadily, corporate profits reached a 40-year high, the stock market soared and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.6 percent -- the lowest level in more than five years.”

It’s good to remember that people were predicting that 2006 was going to be horrible…


“Last year's 1.1 percent average raise was their first real pay increase in a long time. Workers' productivity grew an impressive 18 percent between 2000 and 2006 -- but most people's inflation-adjusted weekly wages rose only 1 percent during that time. This was the first economic expansion since World War II without a sustained pay increase for rank-and-file workers.”

That of course doesn’t take into account benefits. Tax breaks for employer-provided health insurance will definitely cause distortions. But I also think that global competition is a factor in the huge jump in productivity, as well as the improvement of internet related technologies.

The Hottest Jobs (No College Degree Required)

The need is expected to grow 26 percent by 2014: $43,000-$100,000

Insurance adjusters
These jobs aren't easily outsourced or replaced by technology: $34,000-$75,000”

The Hottest Jobs (For College Grads)

“Logistics manager
Plan, implement and control flow of goods or services: $35,000-$118,000

Physical therapist
Aging baby boomers will drive the increasing need: $34,600-$74,000”

Interesting how the salary difference is not that large in some cases. The key word seems to be specialization, no matter if it requires a degree or not.


patricia m. said...

Interessante mesmo que quase nao ha diferenca. Se ha demanda, ha que se pagar o preco de mercado para se conseguir o servico.

Eh por isso que eu acredito que cursar universidade nao eh um "direito" de todos. No Brasil, chegam a ser ridiculas as declaracoes e as acoes do presidente, tentando disponibilizar ensino superior para todo mundo. Mas o mercado se encarrega depois de expurgar o que nao presta... Anyway.

Anonymous said...

Interessante que o emprego mais quente seja o de logística e não algum na produção. Efeito China em ação...